FSL40639-01Valid for the following serial numbers (first 5 digits of the device serial number)
27528 27618 27619 27831 27832 29667 31904 31905 32282 32749 33993 34403 34404 34887 34888 34889 34890
FSL40639-02Valid for the following serial numbers (first 5 digits of the device serial number)
27528 27618 27619 27831 27832 29667 31904 31905 32282 32749 33993 34403 34404 34887 34888 34889 34890
FSL40639-04Valid for the following serial numbers (first 5 digits of the device serial number)
45917 46340 46644 47374 48489 49015 49052 49433 49476 50484 51009 51521 51622 51982 54449 55010 56126 56516 56526 58491
FSL40639-05Valid for the following serial numbers (first 5 digits of the device serial number)
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